syntax rules

英 [ˈsɪntæks ruːlz] 美 [ˈsɪntæks ruːlz]

网络  语法规则; 句法规则; 文法规则



  1. It must be validated, because it is now part of the JSP translation unit and must meet JSP syntax rules.
  2. The PRACTICE specification determines which utilities are to be monitored and which syntax rules to enforce for each utility.
  3. XML's heritage lies in the document world, and this is reflected in its syntax rules.
  4. It validates the syntax of policy rules and checks whether the pool or other information given in rules indeed exist.
  5. They carry the syntax and obey the rules that apply to all PL/ SQL blocks, including declaration and scope of variables, execution, exception handling, and SQL and PL/ SQL usage.
  6. DB2's only requirement for storing XML data is that it must be "well formed"& that is, it must adhere to certain syntax rules specified in the "W3C standard for XML"( see" Resources").
  7. An XML document is well-formed if it follows all of XML's syntax rules.
  8. Exposing business rules as services eliminates much of the complexity associated with the variations in rule expression syntax and rules engine-specific support.
  9. Please note that the list below is a simplification of the full SGML syntax rules and does not address, e.g., precedences.
  10. Parsing property for access to syntax rules that govern inter-field relationships in message content.
  11. Each language has its own syntax, punctuation, and spelling rules;
  12. Syntax: The rules of grammar regulating the use of a language.
  13. The syntax rules of RSS 2.0 are very simple and very strict.
  14. After the implementation of the Chinese-English syntax transformation rules, the system chooses the appropriate target language phrases and combines them into a complete English sentence.
  15. Taking the auxiliary word DE as the research object, some syntax rules are introduced, under which the DE phrase can be modified without changing the semantic of the text.
  16. In general, the characters, phases and their syntax rules for programming are generally called programming language.
  17. The intrinsic feature expresses the temporal distribution of the event and provides an important motivation to draw a distinction between semantic categories of verbs and syntax combinatorial rules.
  18. Syntax, the BER coding rules and the design for supporting database etc. The exact method and program for implementation of document delivery are also presented in the paper.
  19. It is difficult to master for a beginner because it has more conceptions and complex syntax rules.
  20. Design of Military Document Recognition System Based on Syntax Rules of Keyword
  21. Lexical rules and syntax rules used for parsing syntax trees are given, and a method for parsing GCC is proposed.
  22. The syntax rules and semantic constrains are described in detail; the semantic of this logic are given in terms of a general model of multi-agent system, closely related to the interpreted systems of modal logic.
  23. We give the syntax, representation of multilevel rules and discuss the execution of it.
  24. In the thesis, syntax knowledge and grammar rules are abstracted from the modern Chinese grammar library, and the knowledge express method by product rule is anal sized systematically.
  25. It is difficult to give the no conflicts syntax rules for complex grammar in YACC. In this paper, the category of conflicts is presented and the method of deleting corresponding conflicts is put forward for ATLAS-C syntax analyzer.
  26. Study of Chinese Shallow Syntax Parsing Based On Rules and Statistics
  27. Syntax Rules of Peter Eisenman's Architectural Discourse
  28. The diction, syntax, rules, allusions, were covered by the law of his poetry.
  29. Based on the three syntax rules of non-sufficient reasoning in finite language, we add a limit reasoning rule to describe the non-sufficient reasoning relations under infinite language.
  30. Both word and image have their respective "grammar" and "syntax", grammatical rules or orders, and context or correlation domain.